The Pentucket Regional School District, located in northern Essex County, comprises the three towns of Merrimac, Groveland and West Newbury. The School Committee oversees the schools in these towns. The district’s schools include four elementary schools (grades pre-K through 6), a middle school (grades 7 and 8), and a high school (grades 9-12).
The committee consists of nine members, three from each town. They are elected within the towns for staggered 3-year terms. In addition and in accordance with Massachusetts law, a high school student advisory member is an ex officio, non-voting member of the committee.
The Policy Subcommittee will review the District Bylaws and related policies and procedures and recommend any updates or changes. The committee will meet once per month and present to the School Committee at our April 15, 2025 meeting.
Teaching, Learning, and Accountability:
The School Committee will support the ongoing implementation of evidence-based curriculum and instruction through its budget and policy responsibilities, ensuring teachers and administrators have appropriate curriculum resources, professional development and support staff. Specifically, the Committee will look to ensure it is informed and acting, as needed and appropriate, in support of anticipated SY 2024-25 emphasis on:
a) Implementation of innovation pathways for STEM at the high school level
b) Meeting the Superintendent’s and PRSD’s writing goals across content areas
c) Ongoing efforts, led by the new PRSD Director of Supplemental and Intensive Services, to ensure students with disabilities have access to content and instruction as appropriate with sufficient supports for intervention and supplemental instruction
1. Budget/Fiscal Responsibility: Work with the Superintendent and Business Manager throughout the year to develop a successful budget for FY 25-26 that meets the needs of all students. Additionally, support the Superintendent in his proactive efforts to collaborate with legislators to address the serious Chapter 70 problems facing regional school district communities, particularly in the areas of Special Education and transportation costs. Work with administration to properly address and plan for future district capital and technology needs.
2. Building Project and District-wide Capital Plan: The School Committee will support the continued completion of all punch-list and other ongoing items relating to the Middle-High School Building Project, as well as the continued development of policies and practices that maximize its effective use while ensuring its preservation and maintenance. Committee members will continue to take an active role in developing a district wide long-term capital plan to ensure the investment of stakeholders is maximized.
3. Contract negotiations - Enter into negotiations to ensure contracts that reach fair and mutually acceptable agreements that balance the interests of both the school district and its employees.
Community Liaison Outreach/Engagement
1. Be accessible and approachable to community members.
- Participate in Community Events
- Be Available to Community Members for Questions
- Transparency in Goals and Mission
2. Re-establish a PRSD School Committee social media Presence (Facebook, Instagram).
Utilize the Schools’ S’MORE newsletters to communicate about events, upcoming meetings, votes, important information etc.
Reactivate PRSD SC Facebook Page/Create an Instagram Account
3. Increase School Committee visibility within our three communities.
Provide opportunities to be seen within the communities(community events, school events, library and town hall events and/or meetings) as well as interacting/utilizing relationships with other local stakeholders/organizations.
The Policy Subcommittee will meet once per month and present to the School Committee at our April 15, 2025 meeting.
Teaching, Learning, and Accountability:
1. The Subcommittee, as well as the School Committee will request regular updates on student achievement and any needed resources to target deficits.
2. The Subcommittee, as well as the School Committee as a whole, will also ask for regular updates on adjustments to learning pathways, dual enrollment, and grading practices to stay informed about the progress at the Middle/High School.
3. The School Committee will prioritize funding of curriculum resources and professional development in future budget development.
1. School Committee members will meet with stakeholders and attend Finance Committee and Selectboard meetings throughout the year to present information and answer questions in all three towns. Members will collaborate with the Superintendent to determine key points to deliver a consistent message. Committee members may meet with legislators to advance the understanding of the impacts of the Chapter 70 formula, special education funding and other state-based budgetary matters on our district, and to continue to work toward legislation on the topic to provide some fiscal relief in this area.
2. The School Committee will continue to hold subcommittee meetings that address community liaison and communications needs. All committee members will take some responsibility for attending at least one community meeting in order to build relationships and foster two-way communication with stakeholders. The School Committee will keep a schedule of all town meetings and attempt to have a School Committee member attend as many as possible and report back to the full committee.
3. School Committee members will continue to participate in Building Committee meetings and report back to the Committee as a whole as needed. The Committee will request regular updates on the PRMHS building completion final steps. The Committee will request regular updates on the long-term district facilities plan and current usage from the Executive Director of Operations. The Committee will request regular updates regarding the technology needs and funding plans for the district.
4. A subcommittee will be formed to enter into contract negotiations with the PAT unit A, PAT unit B, clerical, and custodial unions. The PAT unit A subcommittee will have an initial meeting with members of the PAT negotiating committee no later than October 15, 2024. The goal is to successfully complete negotiations of all contracts no later than June 2025.
Community Liaison Outreach/Engagement
1. Committee members will participate in community events and be available to the community to answer questions. The School Committee will continue to be consistently transparent in goals and mission.
2. Committee members will utilize the school S’MORE newsletters to communicate about events, upcoming meetings, votes, and other important information. Subcommittee members will reactivate the PRSD SC Facebook page and create a PRSD SC Instagram account.
3. Subcommittee members will communicate opportunities for community engagement (community events, school events, library and town hall events and/or meetings, etc.) to all Committee members. They will also work on increasing interaction and utilizing relationships with other local stakeholders/organizations.